Heal Your Back Now! - Nirvair Singh

Heal Your Back Now! by yoga teacher and teacher-trainer Nivair Singh Khalsa is a unique book which is already as classic in Kundalini Yoga literature. It will give you an overview of the "Heal your back now!"-system and lays out a specific plan of action to follow on your path of wellness.

Heal Your Back Now! includes the following chapters:

- Perspectives on the true nature of healing
- Common biomechanical causes of back pain and how to correct them
- Herbal and nutritional supplements to aid in the healing process
- Explanations of the emotional causes of back pain vertebra by vertebra
- Affirmations to speed the healing process for specific areas of the back
- Illustrated Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan exercise series for a healthy back
- Kundalini Yoga meditations and mantras to accelerate recovery
- A specific plan of action to follow on your path of wellness.

Format: ca. A5
138 pages, with many illustrations
Language: English.
KRI Seal of Approval: checked for accuracy and authenticity according to the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

EAN: 1889679453
Recommended retail price: 12,95 €.