I Have Found in Me

...I Have Found in Me - Mardana CD

While the Soul travels through time and space, it meets challenges, gathers experience and lives through ups and downs. When the Soul is blessed with good fortune, it finds teachers and guideposts who aid to remember its original state of inner peace, joy and unclouded consciousness so it can reach its true destiny and awakens to its own blissful nature.
Mardana's Album I Have Found In Me is describing this journey with great musical depth, making this unique music multifaceted, diversified and full of atmosphere.

In the tradition of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma, the technology to attain knowledge of the soul through chanting is called Shabad. The selection of Shabads for Mardana's album was made with the aim to create a sequence of guideposts which help to achieve a deep inner experience on one's own soul-journey.

This album is fashioned in a special way: when you listen to it in one go, you will find that the songs are inter-connected and follow up on each other as if it was only one long, single piece of music. It is a specialty of this album that all tracks by themselves are small masterpieces, yet the entirety of the music becomes something bigger than the sum of its single parts. It is designed to be experienced as a unity!

The beautiful booklet contains an inspiring tale of the course of this journey, leading into the deeper meaning and mystery of the Shabads, Mantras and Songs: the lyrics are embedded and can be experienced in a wider spiritual context.

The Band Mardana from Germany sets new musical accents. On I Have Found In Me, they manifest musical ideas which have matured over years. The result is a sophisticated musical variety which through great enthusiasm and richness becomes a real pleasure to listen to.

A special focus of Mardana lies on the polyphonic singing, where the artists merge and become one – and take the listener with them. The individual voices and musical qualities of the three musicians find an excellent expression and create a wonderful range of musical colors, moods, sounds, arrangements and orchestrations. Throughout this musical journey, you can sometimes hear Yogi Bhajan who underlines the depth and wisdom of the Shabads in two inspiring affirmations.

Extended instrumental passages, delicate arrangements, beautiful singing, virtuoso solos, the diversity and irresistible meditative groove make this album great fun and express the joy of the three Mardana musicians: this album is a musical feast for the ears which will immediately draw you into its magic!


- Aap Sahai Hoa Shabad (10:24)
- Bhand Jammee-ai (11:51)
- Moo Laalan (08:11)
- Wahe Guru Naam Jahaaz Hai (08:34)
- Jio Bhavai (06:38)
- Bahuta Karam (07:58)
- Wahe Guru Wahe Jio (08:09)
- ... I Have Found In Me (01:47)
- Infinite Ong - featuring Gurudass Kaur (11:49)

EAN: 4260110011907
Recommended retail price: 16,95 €.